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Investing in Transportation Choices
It's time we invest in transportation choices for a clean, prosperous, and just future.

Clean Trucks Are Ready for Work
Deployment of zero emissions trucks will save lives and money.

Five Facts about EVs
Electric vehicles (EVs) have come a long way with dozens of models available to US drivers.

Inside Multnomah County's Climate Lawsuit
In 2021, Multnomah County, Oregon faced a deadly heat dome, where temperatures reached as high as 116F and more than 60 people were killed in that county alone.

A People-Centered Transportation System
A future with more transportation choices will better serve the people and our communities.

Sea level rise, explained by kids
Young people have a lot to say about how global warming is changing the world.

Danger Season in Merced, California's Central Valley
Poor air quality and water insecurity are worsening the effects of climate change in California.

Ensuring a Green Future with Responsible Practices
The electric vehicle (EV) market is growing quickly and EV battery recycling needs to keep up.

Electric Trucks Are a Win for Business and Climate
By transitioning to electric trucks, fleet operators will see their fuel costs fall.

Holding Big Oil Accountable in the Courtroom
Just 57 companies are responsible for 80% of heat-trapping emissions since 2016, as revealed by a recently updated dataset published by InfluenceMap. This alarming statistic includes major players like ExxonMobil, BP, Chevron, Shell, and ConocoPhillips.

Your EV can help keep the lights on
Find out how Electric vehicles (EV's) equipped with bi-directional charging are a bright idea for a healthy California.
EV Benefits
EVs can yield consumers significant savings on refueling costs, they are low maintenance, and they're fun to drive.